Southern Secessionist Defends MS Flag – MPB Intvw

You need to watch this. William Flowers, a man from Georgia, came to a demonstration in Jackson, MS, as a leader in the effort to defend the Mississippi flag, which features an emblem of the Confederate Battle Flag. He leads the self-described southern nationalist group, League of the South.

This interview is not simply someone with a video camera. This is Mississippi Public Broadcasting interviewing a spokesman for the organized protest.

Claytoonz cartoon.

Cartoon posted with permission, copyright Clayton Jones.

The man speaks of the cultural attack on southern heritage as a genocide. That is the language and strategy of the Ku Klux Klan. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I returned home from Germany this August to find a message on my answering machine from a Presidential candidate arguing for a fight against the genocide of the white race. This man refers to genocide of southerners, which is novel, at least to my experience.

The argument reminds me of a powerful cartoon by Clay Jones, on right, featuring an African American man carrying a shot child, grieving silently, next to a wailing southern white man carrying his Confederate Battle Flag, in a shape resembling the child on left.

When asked about secession, Flowers openly advocates for it. He is explicitly a secessionist, who then says that he’d prefer a political solution. That sounds like a threat to me.

If you ever needed a demonstration that the Confederate Battle Flag is divisive, this fellow made it crystal clear. He refers to heritage, then dismisses any relation to slavery. He’s unhinged. We have this stuff scanned and online now. Mississippi’s first statement explaining its causes for secession says that slavery was its fundamental cause.

If you’ve visited my site before, you know where I stand on this. If you haven’t check out:

But seriously, watch this first:

It’s 7.5 minutes long, but you can get the most important stuff within the first 3 minutes.

If you haven’t already, visit and “like” my Facebook author page and connect with me on Twitter (@EricTWeber).

“‘Acceptance & Happiness with Stoicism,’ Ep1 of Philosophy Bakes Bread”
by Eric Thomas Weber

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Philosophy Bakes Bread
March 14, 2015

PBB-Logo-1-itunesHere’s episode 1 of Philosophy Bakes Bread, titled “Acceptance & Happiness with Stoicism.” You can listen to it here above or you can visit the podcast’s page for this episode here. You can subscribe to the podcast’s RSS feed here. If you prefer, you can download the MP3 file here and listen to it later.

iTunes has it too, though for some reason as I post this the episodes are out of order.

“Acceptance & Happiness with Stoicism”

This first episode of Philosophy Bakes Bread presents a very personal story about how stoic philosophy can make a profound difference for the better in our lives when we encounter difficulties beyond our control.

The transcript for this episode is available here.

Check out the other episodes of Philosophy Bakes Bread here.

Finally, if you’d prefer to “watch” the podcast on YouTube, here it is:

If you prefer that format, here’s a playlist of the podcast episodes on my YouTube channel.

Interview on Practical Philosophy in Berlin

Professor Chris Skowronski, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy in the Institute of Philosophy at Opole University, Poland, interviewed me at the Berlin Practical Philosophy International Forum conference on August 13, 2015.

I’m grateful to Chris and to Maja Niestroj for the interview, the video, and the hospitality while I was in Berlin. It was a great conference on a wonderful public philosophy, Dr. John Lachs, who has been my mentor in philosophy since around 1998 or 1999.

“‘Purpose in Life and Work,’ Ep2 of Philosophy Bakes Bread”
by Eric Thomas Weber

Sorry, listening to the audio on this website requires Flash support in your browser. You can try playing the MP3 file directly by clicking here.

Philosophy Bakes Bread
Thursday, May 21, 2015

PBB-Logo-1-itunesHere’s episode 2 of Philosophy Bakes Bread, titled “Purpose in Life and Work.” You can listen to it here above or you can visit the podcast’s page for this episode here. You can subscribe to the podcast’s RSS feed here. If you prefer, you can download the MP3 file here and listen to it later.

iTunes has it too, though for some reason as I post this the episodes are out of order.

“Purpose in Life and Work”

This second episode of Philosophy Bakes Bread considers the challenge of envisioning and choosing the right purposes for oneself and for one’s organizations in life and at work.

The transcript for this episode is available here.

Check out the other episodes of Philosophy Bakes Bread here.

Finally, if you’d prefer to “watch” the podcast on YouTube, here it is:

If you prefer that format, here’s a playlist of the podcast episodes on my YouTube channel.

Logo for WREG channel 3 of Memphis, TN.I gave an interview in 2010 on the Day of Dialogue at the University of Mississippi on February 22nd. You can watch the interview here.

Date: February 22, 2010
Time: 09:00-09:15 a.m.
Appearance: 2010 Interview on Memphis’s WREG, Channel 3’s Live at 9 Morning Show
Outlet: Memphis's WREG, Live at 9 Morning Show
Location: Memphis, TN
Format: Television

If you'd like to invite me to come speak with your group, visit my Speaking page.

Gave a 2013 interview on SVT Nyheter, Sweden’s national TV news service, talking about corporal punishment in Mississippi. You can watch the interview here.

Date: August 29, 2013
Appearance: Interview in 2013 on corporal punishment for the Swedish National TV News Service
Outlet: SVT Nyheter, Sweden's National TV news service
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Format: Television

If you want me to come speak with your group, visit my Speaking page.

The logo for WDAM Hattiesburg, MS, channel 7.Looking forward to giving an interview about Uniting Mississippi on WDAM’s television news, channel 7.


Date: January 29, 2016
Time: 11:45 a.m. -12:20 p.m.
Appearance: Interview on Uniting Mississippi with WDAM of Hattiesburg, MS
Outlet: WDAM, Channel 7, Hattiesburg, MS
Location: Hattiesburg, MS
Format: Television

If you're interested in inviting me to speak with your group, visit my speaking page.

In August of 2013, I participated in an interview with Swedish National TV News service, SVT Nyheter, on the subject of corporal punishment in Mississippi schools. If you click on the video here above, you’ll see their piece from the start. You can also jump to my interview, 2 min’s in (the rest of the piece is in Swedish). SVT’s news article is online in Swedish here. I’ve made an imperfect Google Translate version in English, which you can open as a PDF file here.


“‘Coping with Uncertainty,’ Ep3 of Philosophy Bakes Bread”
by Eric Thomas Weber

Sorry, listening to the audio on this website requires Flash support in your browser. You can try playing the MP3 file directly by clicking here.

Philosophy Bakes Bread
Friday, July 31, 2015

PBB-Logo-1-itunesEpisode 3 of Philosophy Bakes Bread is out! It’s called “Coping with Uncertainty.” You can listen to it here, visit the podcast site’s page for the episode, or subscribe to the podcast’s RSS feed here. Or, you can also download it to listen to it later.

iTunes has it updated there too, though for some reason presently out of order. I’ll look into that.

“Coping with Uncertainty”

This episode focuses on challenges for live and work that concern uncertainty and fear of the unknown. Philosophical ideas about the nature of knowledge can be of help, as well as some conceptual and practical tools for addressing or overcoming our worries.

The transcript for the episode is here.

If you haven’t already, check out the first two episodes of Philosophy Bakes Bread on the podcast site.

Finally, if you’d prefer to “watch” the podcast on YouTube, here it is:

If you prefer that format, here’s a playlist of the podcast episodes on my YouTube channel.