‘View from Ventress’ – Nice Announcements
It’s hard for a big institution to show appreciation for all the people who deserve it. Given that, I feel fortunate. The College of Liberal Arts has issued its 2015 ‘View from Ventress’ publication, in which it announced awards over the last year. This past year was an exciting one, as in February, the MS Humanities Council issued me their Public Humanities Scholar award and in September my book came out, Uniting Mississippi.
The college noted both in a very nice piece they put together in this yearly fall publication. If you click here or on the image on right, you can open a PDF of the page with the announcement.
Otherwise, you can open the whole ‘View from Ventress’ file online, opened to that page here. I think the college was very kind with this announcement. On top of that, I think they did a lovely job making the announcement, connecting with the substance of my work. That took care and sincere interest. I feel fortunate and motivated to pass along to others appreciation for what they do, given that it’s nice when folks make that effort.
The Clinton School for Public Service at the University of Arkansas Little Rock does a nice job of getting the word out about their speakers series. Here’s an announcement in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette about my upcoming talk on Uniting Mississippi, which will be on October 19th at noon in Sturgis Hall.
The announcement has details about the where and when, and an email address plus phone number for anyone who’d like to reserve seats.